Saturday, October 9, 2010







I’m 41 weeks today. I’m exhausted. My hips hurt SO bad. Or maybe it’s my pelvis? I don’t know, something down by my baby exit keeps popping! Apparently, that’s normal!? That’s my hips getting ready to birth. Well.. okay then, they are ready! Let’s get this show on the road! My doctor says I’m close, dilated to 3cm and I've dropped. Just have to wait for little man to decide that he is ready. Oh, and did you notice the fact that in every picture, I’m wearing a different top and the same pajama pants? I have run out of clothing! My snowflake pants are the only pants that are comfy enough to wear for hours on end. Even my trusty yoga pants are too snug to wear for longer than an hour. I’m done complaining. I’m going to go for a walk and get this baby out! 

Ps. Sorry for being such an impatient Momma, baby boy.


Mrs. M said...

Won't be much longer!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are so ready to meet him! You have every right to complain. :) But at least you still look so stinkin' cute! :)

.jimaie.marie. said...

Oh how I feel for you Mama <3 But oh my goodness, how adorable was this post? You and your belly just waitin around for your little man :D
Oh and "baby exit?" holy cow that made me laugh, you are the cutest and I hope hope hope that your precious guy decides to come meet you all SOON!

Molly said...

You just keep wearing those snowflake pjs! Nothing is more important than comfort at this point! As someone who has been right where you are, hang in there. He'll come out in all his glory right when he'ss ready!